
It’s definitely a little weird trying to blog, and switching between politics and videogames. It sorta makes both look ridiculous. Videogames, in the face of some world politics look like, well, a waste of time, and politics, on the other hand, just looks so absurd that it makes many videogames look like somber, serious works of art. It’s strange. I mean, if you’d written a movie based on Bush’s presidency, no one would buy into it – the premise would be too utterly ridiculous. Yet, here we are, and real life has utterly trumped any sort of fictional media. I dunno. So I’m not really sure what to write about, in a sense, because I’m not sure if anyone’s actually reading all this nonsense anyway.

The knee: The knee’s getting better, slowly. I’m recovering from a January operation to fix up some cartiledge and ligament damage that was getting un-ignorable. I’ve got about 70% of my range of motion back, and I can walk relatively normally now, which is good. Nothing weird has happened to the knee yet. Essentially, I can do almost anything but carry loads up stairs, or squat. Which makes working on the house a bit of a pain in the ass, at times. But whatever. No big shakes.

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